
We ship to virtually all countries. There are some restrictions applicable to some products, and some products cannot be shipped to certain destinations. If we are unable to ship your product, we shall contact you.

Please write the Address in English Language, it can help the shipping company easy to read and handle the package.

Shipping Costs

The shipping cost of our products vary according to the type, location, shipping method, and warehouse you selected. You can view the shipping fees on each product page and at checkout.

1.Ensure to have selected the correct delivery country in the “Country/Region:” field on the middle of each page;
2.Choose a shipping method;
3.An estimate of the shipping fees will be shown as you can see in the webpage.

The shipping charges shown during checkout represent actual rates for most countries. In some cases, the shipping rates may be higher than what we have listed on this website. In such cases we shall inform you of any additional charges and await your confirmation prior to processing your order or transaction.

Shipping Availability Date

The total delivery time is the sum of the lead time and the shipping time.
Lead time = the time between when you place an order and when we ship it(showed in the product page, after the product name, it’s 1-5 days);
Shipping time = the time between when your order has been shipped and delivered to you(it depends on the shipping method, About 15-20 business days).

Please note, however, that any shipping availability or delivery dates, times or periods mentioned here, or otherwise quoted or communicated to you in any form or manner, are merely estimates and are not guaranteed, and may be subject to delays for a variety of reasons, some of which may or may not be within our control. For example, in some cases, your customs authority may hold your products which may delay the delivery date. Except as provided in the next paragraph, we shall not be responsible or liable for any late or non-delivery (for whatever cause or reason, and whether or not within our control).

If any product is not released for delivery to you by within 14 calendar days from the date on which your order or transaction was accepted and your payment was received, or from the applicable estimated or quoted delivery date, whichever is the later, then either party may reject, cancel or terminate your order or transaction, in which event our sole and exclusive liability, and your sole and exclusive remedy, in respect of the late or non-delivery and the resulting rejection, cancellation or termination, shall be only a refund (without interest) of any payment you may already have made for such order or transaction.

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